Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Chapter One: Meet Trina Bates

Trina read the letter once more. 

My Dearest Trina,
I know this is going to sound crazy – but then again, when do I not sound crazy? I want you, my dear granddaughter, to inherit my land. I just ask for a few things first.
You must live off the land. This means you will not have the comforts of your current life. You can use anything located on the property I am bequeathing to you.
You may not use any form of transportation outside of your own two feet.
You must earn a living from the land. I know you will find a way.
If you are able to earn 50,000 Simoleans by following these three above rules, my land will be yours. You may do what you want with it. I know it is worth much.
All my love,

How crazy was she? Well obviously very. She was going to do right by her late Grandpa and fulfill his very odd, and very specific, request. 

Trina checked out the land. If it hadn't been for the city surroundings it would have looked like an ordinary campsite. This was definitely Grandpa Bates doing. 

"Oh great, another Bates," a woman sighed shuffling past.

"The one and only!" Trina replied, then she scratched her head and thought deeply. What was she saying? There were still other Bates. More importantly, how did this woman know who she was?

"I'm Trina Bates," she went on ignoring her earlier mistake, "and you are?"


She didn't let the odd encounter faze her. Trina was more of a lone wolf anyway. She sighed and decided to explore, quickly finding a small pond. "I'm sure this is exactly what Grandpa had in mind," she smiled pulling out her pole.

The sun beat down warming her back.

The pole, the bait, everything just felt natural.

In a few hours, she had her pack full of fish.

Trina took her catch home realizing she had yet to explore her Grandpa's land. She quickly found where she would, sleep, eat and shower...but one thing was missing.

"Welp," Trina grunted, "I'm now one with nature."

A brisk shower made up for the loss of personal hygiene.

Trina's stomach began to growl. Excitedly, she took a fish from her pack.

"This is so cool!" She exclaimed to no one in particular. Everything was coming together so well. For having no specific outdoor experience Trina was actually doing quite well.

After a filling dinner of goldfish, she decided to see exactly how far she could walk in all directions.

While out and about she happened upon an odd shaped rock.

Luckily, she had the right tools on hand to investigate further. 

Naturally, Trina also decided to explore a nearby log.

"I hope this is what you wanted," Trina whispered upward.

She eventually made her way back to her property. The sun was quickly setting.

Trina's first day of her new life was coming to an end. 

Only $49,800 to go!

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